2023 Founder's Day Speech

Given by His Excellency, President Kevin Baugh
26 May 2023 XLVI

My Fellow Molossians, Family and Friends.

On the occasion of this, Molossia’s 46th birthday, we celebrate all we have accomplished as a nation over the past year and beyond. These achievements have been mighty as we continually seek to make Molossia a better place than the wondrous one that it already is. We lead the world in innovation and creativity, as we daily build from the simple idea of what makes a country. No one does it like we have done, taking that idea and from it making a nation that is vibrant, avant-garde and self-reliant.

This past year we have had several notable accomplishments, both domestically and abroad, ones that set us apart as world leaders. This of course includes several diplomatic milestones, beginning last year from MicroCon 2022 in Las Vegas, the biennial meetup of micronationalists from around the world. This was the fourth iteration of this auspicious event, and it was a magnificent opportunity to meet with micronational leaders from all over the world. This spring saw two more diplomatic transpirations, beginning in April with the State Visit of both the Empire of Waterloo and the Monarchy of Dagostinia. This dual State Visit, the first in our history, was historic indeed. Then in May we traveled to the Republic of Slowjamastan for a State Visit there, the first time we have held a State Visit outside Molossia in many years. This, too, was a mighty occasion, another historic moment in Molossia’s diplomatic history.

Molossia has made strides in the field of science over the last year, including an extensive study of the San Andreas fault earlier this year, including a visit to mud pots, a giant mud volcano, a desert palm oasis and the dead Salton Sea, all influenced by the fault. We also conducted a geological survey to the Lava Beds volcanic area early last summer, to survey the effects of volcanism there. The Lava Beds mission was part of a voyage to Farfalla, our distant province in Northern California. Related to Farfalla, we also visited the even more distant Desert Homestead Province earlier this year, the first time such a visit has been made since 2010. Another scientific expedition took place this past winter as Molossians explored the amazing snow pack that has resulted from one of the wettest winters on record. A snowshoe expedition examined the fruits of nearly nonstop snowfall, with an eye toward how that might affect the environment in the warmer months of the year.

On the home front, we are proud to have had a bountiful harvest of corn last fall, part of our ongoing effort to become more self-sufficient in foodstuffs. That corn went on to not only feed Molossians but also Molossia’s chickens, who in turn provide eggs, in a continuous cycle of food production for our nation.

This past year has also seen some lighter activities, including of course our annual Broomball tournament this spring and the legendary Misfit Regatta last fall. Both of these were amazing events, part of our vibrant culture, and great fun.

In spring we added a new weapon to our Naval arsenal, MEGAN the Sea Turtle. MEGAN stands for Molossia Eavesdropping Green Aquatic Nexus and is an actual sea turtle deployed to spy on East German activities in their remaining homeland off the coast of Cuba. We are quite proud of this latest military innovation.

On a related note, our Chief Constable recently joined the U.S. Army as a Combat Engineer. We are proud of her new vocation and are certain that her training will not only bring her great honor but also may even benefit our own nation, both militarily and in enhancing our infrastructure.

On the matter of infrastructure, this year Molossia developed an earthquake preparedness program. Our nation is in an earthquake prone area, and readiness in the event of disaster in critical. We also explored a “past is future” initiative, implementing quite a few stylistic changes throughout our nation as a result.

And on the matter of military readiness, the Molossian Navy deployed again last summer, again to nearby Lake Tahoe, in this event to explore the legendary sunken railroad tracks there. We are always proud of our Navy and its accomplishments and this was a mighty accomplishment indeed.

Finally, we welcomed our newest citizen to Molossia this last year, Max the Dachshund. Max is an older canine gentleman and we are proud to be able to offer him a home here in our great nation. His arrival brings Molossia’s population up to 34, all family, some dogs, some human and all exceptional.

And so, having looked back, we look ahead now, toward our future. As a nation we are creative, imaginative and innovative. We are always seeking to make Molossia a better place for all to live in and grow. The opportunities are limitless, both those that we create ourselves and those presented to us as a nation. Together we will continue to nurture and grow our nation, making Molossia ever more wonderful and setting the standard for the small nations of the world.

God bless you, Long Live Molossia!

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