15 August 2011 XXXIV
Khamsin Molossia News

The Government of the Republic of Molossia is pleased to introduce two commemorative souvenirs to honor the wedding of His Excellency, President Kevin Baugh and First Lady Miss Adrianne White. The Presidential Couple will be wed on 10 September 2011 XXXIV in an invitation-only ceremony at the Lake Mansion in Reno, Nevada. To celebrate the occasion a commemorative stamp and coin have been issued. The stamp shows the President and First Lady in their official engagement photo. The coin shows The President and First Lady in profile on its face and on the reverse, a composite of the initials of our nation "RM" superimposed over the stylized Vévé of Erzulie Freda, the voodoo loa (goddess) of love.

We are quite please to offer this coin and stamp for public purchase, to memorialize this most acmic event in the history of our mighty nation.

Visit the Bank of Molossia website here.

Visit the Molossian Postal Service webpage here.

Presidential Wedding Stamp

Presidential Wedding Coin

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